My family and I are vintage addicts, I confess, it is my shopping addiction. My sister and I love nothing better than rummaging through the rails of nearby vintage shops to try and discover a piece of buried treasure that we can breathe life back into once again. But time and time again when wearing vintage or second hand piece when out and about we are constantly asked that mysterious question “is that from Topshop,” “NO!” I want to scream. Topshop produce beautiful clothes that mirror trends perfectly, and like most high street chain store they make their clothes readily available in all major towns and cities, even over the internet; but maybe that’s why I want people to know that my clothes are not from there. I want to retain a level of individuality only available from the bargain and beauty world of vintage shops and second hand stores. If people are asking about our clothes, likening them to the high street fashion God that is Topshop, then why do so few people still shop in vintage or second hand stores, admittedly they’ve become more popular recently, and no doubt the recession has helped but I call for more…more vintage lovers!

Everyone has heard the phrase “what goes around, comes around,” and clothing trends are no exception. Fashion is cyclical, there is always some style from the past that has been made new again, I bet no one thought that leggings were coming back and yet they did, even more popular than before. So it’s common sense that you might be able to find the original version of that style in a vintage item from that era. And when you purchase a vintage piece, you are getting something that you can wear in confidence that you won’t walk out the house and be confronted by 10 other people wearing the same item from the same chain store!

“But the clothes are old and used!” so many people cry. Remember that the items bought from the high street could also have been tried on by hundreds of people, some careful with them, some not so; how often have you purchased an item to get home and notice a small make up stain on the inside, a conspicuous whole in the sleeve or the mysterious pen mark that’s upon the inside. Not all vintage clothes look worn out or old. In the past, it’s sad to say but, better materials and techniques were used than are used today.

There was no ‘fast fashion,’ straight off the catwalk and on to the high street for us to snap up; people wanted their clothes to last. Therefore the emphasis was on clothing being well made, often hand made and owners really took care of their treasured items. The case isn’t that of wearing hand me downs, it is wearing a little piece of history; something already loved that will hopefully be loved for that little bit longer thanks to you. If I still haven’t convinced you, think on this, vintage really is the best deal you’ll get! Better made, one of a kind, fashionable clothes and usually a bargain!

Alex Hughes