PLANS for an out-of-town cinema and bowling alley are being threatened by the economic downturn, say the developers.

The shopping and leisure park, at St Helen Auckland, near Bishop Auckland, was meant to comprise a football stadium for Bishop Auckland FC, a Sainsbury’s supermarket, cinema, bowling alley and restaurants.

But while the stadium and supermarket are progressing, plans for the leisure facilities have been shelved.

Kevin Graham, chairman of St Helen Auckland Residents’ Association, wrote to Terrace Hill earlier this week, requesting more updates about the developments at the site, and expressing concerns that it would only comprise the stadium and Sainsbury’s.

“We are not having a go at the developers, far from it,”

said Mr Graham.

“When we see things like Helioscity pulling out of the major proposals for Bishop Auckland, we get concerned.

“We want to know if the rest of this development is going ahead, or has the economic downturn put the kibosh on that as well.”

In a reply sent to Mr Graham yesterday, Terrace Hill director Duncan McEwan stated: “As you will be aware the poor state of the economy has caused many commercial developments throughout the country to either be postponed or cancelled altogether.

“This is unfortunately the case with the leisure units at St Helen’s. It is regrettable, but unlikely, that this element of our proposals will proceed.

“However, we are actively looking at how this part of the land can best be developed and are hopeful that we will have movement on that in the near future.”

Rob Yorke, county councillor for West Auckland, said: “It was disappointing to hear that the company earmarked to build the leisure facilities had dropped out, but now we have to work with Terrace Hill to secure the future of that side of the development.

“It is fantastic that we have got the football stadium and retail side, but we want to ensure the whole package is delivered.

“Terrace Hill are doing their utmost to bring other developers to the table.”

He also stressed the importance of the local community being involved in future negotiations about the site.