I’m very much indebted to the two or three people (who wish to remain anonymous) who supplied me with information from this months Parish Council meeting.

Over twenty members of the public attended Tuesday’s (2nd March) Parish Council meeting to voice their concerns over a proposal to use Highcroft, on the village green, as a childrens home.

A representative of Key Care (the Care Providers), Carlene Little, spoke to the meeting about the proposal and outlined the following facts.

Highcroft already has C2 permissions to be used as a Residential Home: Key Care is asking for a letter of authority from the planners to use the existing provision for child care.

The home would be for 8 residential places for vulnerable children 11 to 17 years, who have either been neglected at home or subject to sexual abuse. There would be an additional 4 'day' places.

The company gave a commitment that the children would not have disorderly or criminal backgrounds.

There would be a high staffing ratio with 20 specialist care workers. Overnight 5 care workers would be on the premises.

This 'contained unit' would have a full time headmaster and there would be a full programme of in house activities both day and evening.

It was hoped to integrate the children into the local community as they would be resident here for 4 to 5 years but she stressed they would not be allowed to roam the village.

They would hope to use local builders to outsource work.

Family visits are not permitted at the centre; visits are at a neutral location.

There was a strong local opposition, who raised the following points....

Inappropriate to host this sort of establishment in a rural village.

Cockfield has had a history (albeit a small one) of anti social behaviour and drug abuse and this would aggravate the situation just as the police and community groups are making progress in these areas.

Low night-time staffing levels if residents became disruptive.

May affect property values.

Additional traffic in the village.

Residents may become targets of local youths.

As care staff are 'specialists' would there be any local jobs available?

The Parish Council deferred any observations until a full application was received; the Council will ask Durham Planning Officers to hold a full planning meeting rather than a decision under designated powers.

The County Council will consult with adjacent residents on the formal application.

So, there you have it as reported to me and there’s a couple of questions I’d like ask this firm myself, given the opportunity!

Firstly, if these children are so placid, - ‘No criminal or disorderly background’ - why is there such a high staffing ratio of nearly 3 to 1?

Secondly, where are all these people going to park their cars and what about deliveries etc?

I understand that ‘Key Care’ haven’t even bought the building yet and there are to be further consultations with concerned residents.

Work commitments forced me to miss the last meeting but I’ll be sure to be at the next, I would URGE as many of you as possible to attend; after all, this is going to affect the whole village!

Next meeting; Tuesday 6th April 7-00pm