THE distraught mother of a missing teenager has made an emotional plea for help in finding him.

Joanne Wigmore, from Huntington, York, urged people to help police piece together the last known movements of Jonathan Havron before he disappeared.

Mr Havron, who is due to celebrate his 19th birthday later this month, was last seen in the early hours of last Saturday after a night out in the city.

"We will not give up. We will keep on searching, no matter how long it takes," said Mrs Wigmore.

She said her son had gone out last Friday to meet up with an old school friend and said life had been "horrendous" since he disappeared.

"I only slept one hour last night, cat-napping on the sofa. Every noise you hear, you wonder if he's coming in through the door," she said.

"We are spending our time going out, giving out posters and seeing if we can find any information about what happened to him.

"My best hope is that he's lying somewhere, slipping in and out of consciousness, and we can find him in time, or he has been taken somewhere against his will."

Mr Havron, a student at Bishop Burton College, visited several pubs and bars and police are asking two young women who may have been the last people to speak to Jonathan before he disappeared to come forward.

Chief Inspector Dave Hannan said the pair, aged about 19 or 20, were sitting at a table with the teenager at the Lowther pub, in Cumberland Street, shortly before he left alone at 1.35am on Saturday, heading towards Clifford Street.

Both were wearing sleeveless black tops. One had shoulder-length dark hair and the other shoulder-length blonde hair.

Anyone with information is asked to call police on 0845-60-60-24-7.