A PENSIONER is celebrating after completing her coast-to-coast walk in memory of her brother.

Kate Hardcastle and collie Goldie, both clad in purple, walked the 97 miles from Morecambe to Saltburn to raise funds for pancreatic cancer research.

The charity has a strong emotional link to the retired teacher – she lost her mother and brother to the disease.

The 67-year-old, who has walked from her home town’s pier to east Cleveland’s Victorian pier, said: “I’m absolutely delighted, and a little bit surprised, that I have completed the walk.

“We had a wonderful welcome when we reached Saltburn and it was very emotional. I am stopping in Whitby because I had wonderful times here with my brother.”

Ms Hardcastle finished the walk on Tuesday – the birthday of her mother, Marguerite, who died of pancreatic cancer aged 90.

Last Saturday’s starting date was the birthday of her brother, Terry, who died of the same disease, aged 73.

Ms Hardcastle’s Just Giving website has raised £5,024 since last March.