POLICE have launched an investigation after claims that a man fired shots at passing cars and pedestrians from a bedroom window.

Officers were scrambled to the scene after a distressed member of the public reported shots being fired from a house in Providence Place, off Dragon Lane, in Gilesgate, Durham City.

The incident is said to have taken place at about 8pm on Monday.

It is believed the weapon involved was an air gun.

Reports claimed the man was firing at road traffic and people walking by, from an upstairs window.

One passer-by was hit on the side of the head, but was not seriously hurt.

Another pellet pierced a shopper’s plastic carrier bag.

It is thought a total of three shots were fired.

Paul Anderson, Neighbourhood Inspector for Durham, said: “A report came in that someone was firing at passing traffic and people from a bedroom window in Providence Place.

“One of the pellets hit a carrier bag and another hit a person on the side of the head. It left a slight mark.”

Although no one needed treatment for injuries, police are treating the incident seriously.

Insp Anderson said: “This could have been a lot worse. Air guns are not particularly accurate to start with, never mind at that distance. Officers were quickly on the scene.”

Three people – two men and a woman – were arrested and questioned at Durham City police station, in New Elvet, on Tuesday.

All were later released pending further inquiries.

Dragon Lane is busy area of Durham, home to a mix of residential properties, retail centres and garages.

The report comes less than a month after a separate incident which saw part of Durham city centre closed for three hours after a hoaxer planted a fake petrol bomb.

A man was arrested after a suspicious bag was spotted outside the back of Cotswold outdoor shop, in Silver Street. He was later released on bail pending further inquiries.

Anyone with information is asked to call Durham Police on 0345-60-60-365.