STAFF from a North-East factory have spent time lending a hand at a charity for dogs.

Seven workers from GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), at Barnard Castle, spent a day at the Dogs Trust Re-homing Centre at Sadberge, near Darlington.

The day was organised by GSK worker Annette Thompson and included dog walking, preparing rehoming packs, updating information for the charity’s website and playing with puppies to get them accustomed to human contact.

“Everyone really enjoyed the day,” said Mrs Thompson.

“All the staff at the centre were very helpful and they showed such dedication to the many dogs needing new homes.

“The dogs were really friendly and just seemed so pleased to have time spent with them.

“It was great to be part of this very worthwhile cause for a day. We were so tempted to take some of the dogs back with us – they were all so lovely.”

At Christmas, the team decided not to send each other cards – donating £100 to the centre instead.

Dogs Trust assistant manager, Graeme Blackburn said: “It’s great to receive volunteers who are willing to work alongside the dogs and discover more about our valuable dog welfare work.

“The team from GlaxoSmithKline displayed great passion for the dogs and didn’t mind getting their hands dirty.”

Pictured are: Glaxo staff visiting the Dogs Trust at Sadberge, back row, from left, Paul Watson, of GSK, canine carer Ryan Mckee, assistant manager Graeme Blackburn, canine carer Paul Cutler, receptionist Katie Purvist, and Bev Stout, of GSK. Front, from left, Julie Coates, of GSK, supporter relations.