A POPULAR comedian donated 45 tickets to his latest pantomime to children from a North-East charity.

Geordie funnyman Brendan Healy gave the passes for Aladdin at the Tyne Theatre to children from Henshaws Society for Blind People.

Healy, a patron of the charity, also met the youngsters after the show, in which he plays Aladdin's wicked uncle Abanazar.

Henshaws, based in Heaton, Newcastle, supports families where a child or parent is blind or visually impaired.

Philippa Taylor, from Henshaws, said: "We are absolutely thrilled to have Brendan's continuing support for our work.

"The children love coming to watch the pantomime. It is so interactive - which is brilliant for blind and visually impaired children."

Aladdin is at the Tyne Theatre, Newcastle, until Saturday, January 9.