ONCE again you report the death of a pet cat through poisoning (Echo, Nov 5). Once again it was stated that the cat was “roaming the area” and returned home ill.

What was it doing and where was it doing it? Perhaps it was digging up some fanatical gardener’s expensive bulbs to make a cat toilet or rolling in his prize-winning flower beds and crushing the plants?

Maybe it was simply sharpening its claws and shredding the bark from his newly-purchased and expensive tree and thus killing it?

Why do cat owners think they can let their pets go and do whatever they want to and feel they have no responsibility for their activities? It is no wonder that some people go to extreme lengths to protect their garden and its contents.

Now that it is more widely known that cats are attracted to antifreeze, I think that poisoning will occur more often.

Eric Gendle, Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough.