The mystery of the Cockfield Quoits Club’s missing wooden spoon deepened today, as it was revealed that this suspicious looking character was seen running away from the Middle House!

It could of course just be a coincidence, but in the two weeks that have passed since the disappearance, no more information has come to light.

Rumours that the ‘spoon’ had defected to the Bottom House Music Club seem unfounded; in fact, I received this e-mail from Len Rowland-Jones of said ‘Club’;

I should like to dispel any rumours that the music club nicked the spoon, we only use metal spoons and they are only any good in pairs.

The club was excellent this week well supported by local people and a few local musicians.

Nick Brooker mesmerised us with his fine guitar playing, and I think Diana had lost her voice a bit, lol. I bet there are more (musicians) of you out there so dust of your instrument and bring it along and perform for us, we take all levels of competence so don’t be put off or shy.

P.S. Can I have a mug?

Regards, Len.

Well I’m not convinced Len!

The spoon could have had elastic bands attached and it would make an excellent guitar for Ronnie Kelsey!

On the subject of a mug; it takes a much funnier story than that to be awarded a Cockfield Mug!!

Anyway, keep a look out for the spoon on your travels and if anyone spots it, please e-mail a photograph with a brief description of where you saw it!