A WOMAN was arrested after being rescued apparently threatening to jump from a river bridge for the second time in five weeks.

Police were alerted to a report of a woman threatening to jump from Prebends Bridge, in Durham, shortly before 10pm last night.

Officers arrived at the scene to find the emotionally distressed 21-year-old had climbed onto the outer parapet of the bridge, near Durham Cathedral.

She was sitting on the outer parapet ledge threatening to jump.

Acting Sergeant Clair-Louise Wells, PCs Chris Milburn and Jason Pinchen spoke to her and, noting her distress and the seriousness of the situation, decided the only course of action open to them would be to physically pull her over the barrier wall to safety.

Inspector Tony Myers said he was extremely proud of the way the officers assessed the situation and acted.

"They knew the woman could have been killed if she had jumped and acted in a decisive and positive manner.

"The first duty of any police officer is preservation of life and limb and on this occasion the officers acted in the finest traditions of Durham Constabulary."

The woman, who lives in the Durham area, was removed from the bridge and was later arrested for being drunk and disorderly.

She was issued with an £80 fixed penalty notice.

Police said the same woman was pulled from the River Wear by officers having jumped from the same bridge, on September 23.