THREE people are wanted by police for their roles in two cash scams in North-East supermarkets.

A man and a woman entered Sainsbury’s, in Linthorpe Road, Middlesbrough, on the evening of October 5, and bought a can of coke While the cashier was giving the woman her change, she handed over £200 in £10 notes and asked for it to be changed into £20s.

The cashier checked the £10 notes and gave the woman £200 in £20 notes, which she counted.

The woman engaged the cashier in conversation and then said she wanted the change in 20p pieces.

The cashier said he could not give her £200 in 20p pieces and the woman handed over the £20 notes. The cashier gave her back her original £200 in £10 notes, at which point the man and woman left the store.

The till was found to be £140 short.

In the second incident a man entered Sainsbury’s, in Easterside, Middlesbrough, on July 30, and carried out a similar scam.

He selected a few items of low value and paid for them using a £50 note. He then confused staff into changing other money into notes, taking £30 from them. He was white, about 6ft and stocky, with a Geordie accent.

Anyone with information is asked to call police on 01642-303419 or Crimestoppers on 0800-555-111.