I've been asked to send a letter to FIFA president Sepp Blatter, supporting England's bid to stage the World Cup and Sunderland's ambition to be a host city.

I'm very happy to do so. Here's my letter: TO: Mr Joseph S. Blatter, The President, FIFA, FIFA - Strasse, PO Box 20, Zurich 8044, Switzerland.

Dear Mr Blatter, I write to you in support of England's bid to host the 2018-2022 FIFA World Cup and Sunderland's ambition to be a host city.

I am the editor of The Northern Echo, a daily newspaper which has covered the North-East of England - a region passionate about football - for 139 years.

The Northern Echo is committed to supporting England's bid to host the World Cup and to endorsing Sunderland as a host city. I believe that England will be an excellent host of the tournament in 2018 or 2022. This is a country with great footballing traditions and support for the game is at an all-time high, with 30 million people watching professional football every year. Football means a great deal to our communities, binding them together, lifting spirits and playing a key role economically.

Clearly, I appreciate that FIFA must ensure that the bid process is open and fair because other countries also are also enthusiastic about wanting to stage the World Cup.

However, I am certain that as a creative country, with a reputation for flair and invention, England would give the world a truly memorable festival of football.

Sunderland is a progressive, vibrant city, where football is an integral part of the culture. I have had many dealings with Sunderland FC and it is a club which fervently believes in supporting its community roots.

If Sunderland were to become a World Cup city, the people of the locality and the wider North-East region would celebrate it as a cause of great pride and economic stimulus. Sunderland would not let you down.

Yours sincerely, Peter Barron.