The chairman

Mr Steve Gibson

Middlesbrough FC

Riverside Stadium



Re: Vacant Manager’s Position

Dear Mr. Gibson

I would like to apply for Manager’s position in your club,

I’m not a football celebrity but that should be no reason for a snub,

I’ve never been a manager at any level, not even at pub,,

I know nothing about football. Some pundits and fans,

Would argue I will be in good company and should be the man.,

Gordon Strachan may be the favourite for Boro’s hot-seat,

But the signing is not complete,,

In 2009, the year of belt tightening, to be discreet,,

I’ll work for quarter of Southgate’s wage,

Honest I’m not saying it to rattle your cage.,

Wasted money on expensive contracts, I can save,

By hiring overseas interrogators,

Used by MI5 and C.I.A as translators,,

Although some times use questionable methods,

Have proved to be excellent mediators.,

I’m used to pain, working under pressure,,

I’ve been married twice, have six children,

My older children still call me the thresher.,

My appointment as manager,

Would Win! Win! Win!,

I hope you’ll agree that I’m the best candidate.,

Yours sincerely,,

Khadim Hussain, Middlesbrough