Frank Turner is an English folk/punk singer song writer from London, and has returned to Newcastle as one of his dates in his largest UK headline tour. As he walked onto the stage you can tell immediately he feels at home with his audience. This ease with which he takes to the stage is something that must be related to the sheer number of gigs he has done since his former band Million Dead days came to a close. Turner has a wonderful voice and produces well-crafted, thoughtful songs that do his very distinctive, soft but almost raspy, vocals justice. Turner's songs are incredibly diverse, his lyrics sometimes rather poetic and well written. Lyrically he varies from heartache and anger to joy and happiness and they are all frighteningly relevant. Turner plays a lot of tracks from his third studio album, Poetry Of The Deed, this album is powerfully candid and charismatic and Frank’s hardcore roots shine through with fiery passion as he embarks on a lyrical journey of life experiences with great honesty, authenticity and maturity. Rousing punk anthem The Road made the audience go wild, and fans were singing back every word. He also plays songs from the older albums including The Ballad Of Me And My Friends, Back In The Day and Photosynthesis. Turner is a good performer and has the stage presence to work the crowd, and by the end of his set everyone’s eyes are fixed on the stage.

By Sophie Stratford