ACTORS preparing to bare all on stage were confronted by a different kind of strip yesterday in preparation for their roles – the beautician’s waxing band.

Six leading men in Darlington Operatic Society’s The Full Monty, which opens on Wednesday, were treated to body waxes and spray tans to ensure they are looking their best when they go all the way on stage.

The actors, who will perform at Darlington Civic Theatre for a ten-night run, were given their beauty treatments by Selina Blain at Cocoon, in Coniscliffe Road, Darlington.

The cast has been rehearsing for about six weeks.

Julian Cound, one of the actors, said the cast was looking forward to the show – even though most of them had yet to practise going all the way.

“We had a bit of a surprise in rehearsals last week when one of the guys actually did the Full Monty. He said ‘I’m just going to get it out of the way’, and stripped off at the appropriate moment. There is nothing we haven’t seen now.”

He said the rest of the cast was planning on rehearsing stripping off completely during the next few days.

“The director has made it clear, right from the start, that we were going to have to go the Full Monty and not cheat and use flesh-coloured G-strings.

“Come dress rehearsal, we are going to have to do it,”

he said. “In a funny way, that is not the biggest issue – it is more how the audience reacts. Hopefully, it will be well received.”

Tickets, from £10, are on sale for perfomances which are at 7.15pm until Saturday, November 7, with a matinee on Saturday, at 2.15pm.

Call Darlington Operatic Society ticket hotline on 01325-244659, or the box office on 01325-486555.