THOUSANDS of pounds-worth of coping stones have been stolen from a County Durham cemetery.

Police have described the thefts from Gainford, near Barnard Castle, as "an appalling crime".

Forty metres of dressed coping stones were stolen from the walls around the cemetery on Wednesday and Thursday nights.

Officers have also had reports of a similar theft in Evenwood.

PC Dave Williamson said be believes the stones are being stolen to order, and these areas have been specifically targeted.

"It is a specific type of stone which has been taken," he said.

"Personally I think it is quite appalling that someone is prepared to steal stones from a cemetery where people have loved ones buried."

He appealed to reclamation yards to be on the look-out for the stones. Anyone who is offered them for sale can contact Durham Police on 0845-6060365 or Crimestoppers on 0800-555111.