LABOUR Party members will run the rule over expressions of interest from prospective parliamentary candidates from across the country.

A spokesman said the party had received a lot of interest in the vacant Darlington seat with 30 people on an initial shortlist.

The candidate selected will replace Alan Milburn, who announced his decision to step down during the summer.

At an informal meeting of the Darlington constituency party this weekend, members are expected to take their first look at the list, but the names of those who have expressed an interest are not likely to be announced until a final shortlist is made next month.

However, one name not on the list is Lord Mandelson, who was rumoured to be renouncing his peerage, so he could be parachuted into the seat.

Lord Mandelson denied he was interested in the vacancy.

Speaking to The Northern Echo yesterday, he said: “You are the first person to mention that to me, so that probably tells its own story. I think you can be quite confident this is just a rumour.”

Candidates who have expressed an interest include Mr Milburn’s former researcher, Jenny Chapman, and Ferryhill councillor Pat McCourt, who will stand as Unite candidate and has received the backing of MEP Stephen Hughes.

Another expected candidate is Roger Baker, the party’s national head of communications.

Yesterday, Rob Marchant, co-founder of project bgreen, a proposed chain of climate change retail shops, announced his entry into the race.

Mr Marchant, a 42-year-old father-of-one from Leeming, North Yorkshire, stood for Labour in the 1997 election in Skipton and Ripon – a safe Conservative seat.

Previously tipped candidates who have ruled themselves out include Darlington councillors Nick Wallis and Cyndi Hughes, and Simon Henig, leader of Durham County Council.

A Labour North spokesman said: “Those interested in seeking selection will talk to Labour Party members in the town about the issues that affect Darlington.

“The local party will draw up a shortlist and all members of the Labour Party in Darlington will get a chance to vote.”

The spokesman said branches will start nominations for the shortlist from November 2, which will be announced on November 19. Final hustings and a count of votes take place on December 5.

The selected candidate will stand against Edward Legard, from the Tories, Mike Barker, for the Lib Dems, Charlotte Bull, for the UK Independence Party, and John Hoodless, from the BNP.