COUNCIL officials were left red-faced after a flagship planning document showed parkand- ride buses in disabled bays.

Durham County Council quickly removed the offending image from the online version of its County Durham Plan consultation, but not before provoking anger among disability campaigners.

Printed copies have already been sent out, with officials encouraging residents, businesses and visitors to comment.

Diana Sanderson, of campaign group Durham Disability Voice, said: “It is absolutely crass.

“It is a typical example of how little consideration is given to disabled people in general, and it further reinforces the abuse of disabled spaces by the public.”

By Mark Tallentire Grandmother Mrs Sanderson was born with spina bifida and has a disabled parking badge.

She said abuse of disabled bays was widespread, and added: “I used to have a sticker saying ‘Would you like my disability as well?’ “The council should withdraw the publication and apologise. They should also improve their proof-reading.”

Mrs Sanderson has written to the council and Durham City MP Roberta Blackman- Woods to raise the issue.

The County Durham plan sets key priorities and projects for investment and regeneration until 2026.

The offending photograph features two buses from Durham City’s park-and-ride service, which was launched in 2005.

Stuart Timmiss, head of planning at Durham County Council, said: “The public consultation process on the County Durham Plan is a really important part of the council’s desire to make sure anyone who lives, works or visits our county has the chance to play a part in its future development.

“We firmly believe this document is both easy to understand and offers genuine and simple methods for members of the public to respond and play their part in our county’s exciting future.

“The park-and-ride photograph published in the report was taken during the official opening of the scheme and is certainly not representative of normal operation.

“We would like to thank Diana Sanderson for bringing the image to our attention. We have replaced it with a more recent picture in our online copy of the report.”