A LIBERAL Democrat councillor is lobbying the Prime Minister to take action over job losses in the area.

Ben Ord, Durham county councillor for Spennymoor and Middlestone, is calling on Gordon Brown to investigate the loss of thousands of jobs from his ward.

Councillor Ord has set up an online petition at Number10.

gov. uk, the official site of the Prime Minister’s Office.

It calls on the Government to study the causes of significant cuts in south-west Durham’s manufacturing industry and to explore ways of aiding its recovery.

Coun Ord said that in just over a decade about 10,000 manufacturing jobs have been lost from the town and surrounding areas.

Thousands of jobs have gone from the Thorn lighting and Black and Decker power tool plants, and Electrolux’s refrigeration and cooker factories and Rothman’s tobacco plant have closed.

He said: “They need to look carefully at what they have not been doing to save these jobs. To look at how so many jobs have gone overseas unchallenged.

I understand that it is a problem other areas have suffered but feel this area has to be given special attention, to learn from the past.”

Coun Ord feels plans such as a business park on the Black and Decker site are positive moves, but making slow progress.

He said: “We know that the area is diversifying, developing high technology and that is to be supported.

“But not everyone in this area has a university degree but may have valuable skills that shouldn’t be lost.

“The region has a hardworking base and skilled people, with a background in coal mining, heavy industry and manufacturing so it shouldn’t be given up on.”

Coun Ord’s petition also asks the Government to prioritise the area for financial support and has asked that industrial grants be directed to the area, particularly to help young people find employment.

He added: “These losses have had a dramatic affect on local shops, pubs and clubs which are important for the community but are dying on their feet. Towns like Spennymoor and the surrounding area entered the recession at a low ebb and need extra help to get out of it.”

Coun Ord hopes to secure 500 signatures on the petition by the time it closes next April. He said: “If I get that the Government has to respond, I hope that will provoke action.”