There has been a lot of heated debate over the issue of Nick Griffin appearing on last night’s Question Time.

Many feared an appearance on the show would give the party a sense of legitimacy and a platform to build off.

However, I feel that under the scrutiny of the other panellists and audience members, Griffin was successful in making himself appear to be little more than a joke.

Griffin portrayed himself as inarticulate and weak. When faced with questions on race or holocaust denial he became little more than a nervous, incoherent wreck - often laughing when panellists such as Bonnie Greer openly ridiculed him.

When posed with his own quotes, he stated his words had been unjustly twisted by journalists. When questioned about video footage about himself with David Duke, he pathetically tried to redeem himself by describing Duke as a “totally non-violent” member of the Ku Klux Klan elite.

He attempted to move away from his Nazi links by stating that Adolf Hitler had gone “a bit too far”. His attempts were laughable. The Conservative panellist choice of Baroness Warsi was highly commendable, as she demonstrated the qualities of a credible MP - she was articulate, highly intelligent and demonstrated compassion for all British citizens and spoke a lot of sense when stating the responsibility mainstream political parties had to reach out to those who have turned to the BNP out of disaffection with the main parties in Britain.

Unfortunately, Jack Straw was slightly more disappointing, after quite a promising start. He was unable to accept responsibility for his government’s failures on immigration, which left many panellists and members of the audience frustrated and Griffin a platform to attack the government from.

The BBC was right to stick to its guns and put Griffin on Question Time as it exposed him as being the racist, irrational man he is, and he was unable to shroud himself behind a façade of respectability in an attempt to delude the electorate.

I agree wholeheartedly with a member of the audience, when he stated that "You'd be surprised how many people would have a whip round to buy you a ticket and your supporters to go to the South Pole”, and after the spectacle Griffin put on last night, I thoroughly believe this is a sentiment we can all share.