A SUPERFIT headteacher has run two marathons to get to work to raise awareness of a new walk to school campaign.

David Stott ran 50 miles over two days from his home in Harrogate, North Yorkshire, to the Michael Syddall Primary School, in Catterick village.

He was supported by Captain John Elms, of 1 Mercian Regiment, from the Marne Barracks, at Catterick Garrison.

The team used the event to raise funds for a parents’ shelter at the school and the Army Benevolent Fund.

Mr Stott, 56, said: “I feel great and it has been a brilliant experience.

“We ran just over 50 miles and we went from Harrogate to Masham on Wednesday and from there we ran to Catterick village yesterday.

“I am a keen runner and I try to run seven miles each day, but I sat in a bath of cold water after the first run to stop any stiffness.

“I do not know how much has been raised yet, but we are hoping to raise a fair amount.”

North Yorkshire County Council is supporting the scheme and has several road safety projects in the area.

County councillor John Fort, the executive member for road safety, said: “We can only marvel at the commitment shown by Mr Stott.

“This is a great example to parents and children to show what a good idea it is to leave the car at home, or park it away from school, and walk.”