POLICE are still appealing for help to trace pensioner Billy Jones a week after he went missing from home.

Grandfather-of-four Mr Jones has not been seen since he left his home in Derwent Road, Ferryhill, County Durham, at 4pm last Friday for one of his regular walks.

Durham Police believe the 88-year-old may have become lost or been overcome by the weather, fatigue or illness.

A large number of officers assisted by search and rescue volunteers are looking for Mr Jones in the Ferryhill and Chilton areas.

Chief Inspector Vicki Martin is urging residents to check gardens and outbuildings in case Mr Jones has taken shelter.

Mr Jones, a former pitman at Dean and Chapter and Mainsforth Collieries, and his wife, Janet, 85, are due to celebrate their 67th wedding anniversary tomorrow.

Son Glynn, 60, of Ferryhill, and daughter Jan Johnson, 47, of Spennymoor, have also urged people to report information that could aid the search.

Mr Jones is 5ft 6in, has grey hair and usually walks with a stick. He was wearing a grey woolly hat, a beige coat and brown cord trousers.

Call police on 0345-60-60- 365 or Crimestoppers on 0800-555-111.