HUNDREDS of anti-fascist protesters gathered outside BBC Television Centre today to protest against BNP leader Nick Griffin's appearance on Question Time.

Some 50 police officers were drafted in to protect the entrance to Television Centre in White City, west London, as demonstrators waving placards voiced their opposition to Mr Griffin participating in the controversial debate.

Some of the placards read 'Stop the Fascist BNP' and 'The BNP is a Nazi Party, smash the BNP'.

A police helicopter circled overhead as officers guarded the front entrance of Television Centre, where the pre-recorded debate is due to take place later.

Police sources said they had more than enough resources to deal with the crowd, which was expected to grow throughout the evening.

Audience members taking part in the programme were escorted in through the front entrance by police officers after showing their passports.

Mr Griffin, 50, will share the platform with Justice Secretary Jack Straw, Tory peer Baroness Warsi, Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesman Chris Huhne and writer Bonnie Greer.

As the debate approached, the chants outside Television Centre grew louder and louder with the crowd yelling: "We're black, white, Asian and Jew, BBC shame on you', and "we won't let Nick Griffin through".