RACEHORSE trainer Howard Johnson has offered a reward after thieves made off with farm gates from his County Durham home.

They struck at his farm and yard at White Lea, near Crook, early last Saturday morning a few hours after one of his star horses Inglis Drever suffered colic and had to be put down.

Mr Johnson said the thieves had sawn off the gates and must have had a flat backed wagon waiting to carry off their £800 haul.

He said: "It is getting beyond a joke. I can't be up all night looking out for people like this. You can't leave anything lying about.

"There were 200 sheep in one field but fortunately they just went into the one next door and didn't stray.

"They took half a dozen 12ft gates. They must have known what they were looking for."

Mr Johnson's £250 reward will be paid to anyone who provides information leading to the arrest and conviction of the thieves. Contact Bishop Auckland police on 0345-60-60-365 or Crimestoppers on 0800-555-111.