A 41-year-old man was charged today with the murder of a prostitute whose strangled body was found in a burned-out flat, police said.

Andrea Waddell's body was found by firefighters in her first floor flat in Upper Lewes Road, Brighton, shortly before midnight last Thursday.

Neil McMillan, a satellite installer, of Bennett Road, Brighton, has also been charged with arson with intent to endanger life, Sussex Police said.

He was arrested on Saturday night and detectives were granted an extension to continue questioning him.

He will appear at Brighton Magistrates Court tomorrow.

Ms Waddell's family has revealed she was born Alexander John, but underwent gender surgery to become a woman while studying for a masters degree at the University of Sussex.

She also studied at Durham University.

Her parents, Sonia and Robin, and brother Nick, said a number of health problems the 29-year-old suffered from made life very difficult and painful for her and she should not be judged for how she made a living.