Just received a nice email from BNP activist Adam Walker in response to this morning's comment in The Northern Echo.

I was actually supporting the BBC for including BNP leader Nick Griffin on the Question Time panel this week.

I think it's a good idea to put the BNP in the spotlight and challenge their beliefs.

Anyway, this is Mr Walker's email: "With reference to your article named 'Let the BNP be in the Spotlight' (Echo Oct 16th) I would like to make the following comment.

I wonder if your links to the Labour Party have anything to do with your blinkered attitude towards the British National Party.

"You would do well to remember that our support base is growing rapidly in the North East and whilst you pesonally may not agree with what the BNP stands for many of your members of staff and readers do.

"How can you label someone hateful and despicable if you have never met them? It may be bold of me to suggest that it is time you started forming your opinions by what you experience as opposed to what you hear or see in your left wing Marxist media circles. Adam Walker, Spennymoor."

And this was my reply: "Thanks for getting in touch. For your information, I don't have any links with the Labour Party or any other party. I'll form my opinions and express them as I see fit but thanks for your advice. Peter Barron."