A YOUNG motorist fearing he may be over the drink-drive limit was responsible for “a prolonged episode of dangerous driving”.

Sean Howard Hazelby Hodgson, 20, was yesterday given his first custodial sentence following the 13-minute chase, pursued by police, from Newton Aycliffe to Bishop Auckland, in County Durham, via several housing estate roads.

Durham Crown Court heard he was at the wheel of a car which police signalled to stop outside a school in Stephenson Way, Newton Aycliffe, shortly before 2am on April 19.

Rachel Masters, prosecuting, said that despite the pleas of his young female passenger to drive more carefully, Hodgson sped off, ignoring red lights and other traffic signals.

Two cars had to move over to avoid a collision as he travelled at speeds higher than 80mph on 30mph-limit roads.

Miss Masters said that at one stage on a dipped stretch of the A167 he topped 100mph, and, reaching Bishop Auckland, performed hand-brake turns as he raced round back streets and residential areas at about 50mph.

He mounted a grassed and footpath area in West Lane and performed zig-zag movements before he came to a halt, blocked by a second police vehicle.

A police officer ran to the car and used pepper spray before detaining Hodgson.

Officers could smell alcohol on him and he later told them he had consumed five pints and an alco-pop during the preceding evening.

A blood sample taken after his arrest gave a reading below the drink-drive limit.

The court heard that among Hodgson’s five previous convictions is one for drink-driving in 2006 which earned him a 12-month disqualification.

Scott Smith, for Hodgson, told the court: “It has to be accepted this was a prolonged period of dangerous driving.”

Mr Smith said at the end of the incident Hodgson threw the car keys out of a window and was then “very candid” in his police interview.

Hodgson, 20, of West Lane, Bishop Auckland, admitted dangerous driving.

Sending him to a young offenders’ institution for four months, Judge Richard Lowden told Hodgson: “You had been drinking and thought you were over the limit. I’m surprised you weren’t substantially over the limit, but knowing you had had a drink, you took part in 13 minutes of highly dangerous driving.”

Hodgson was banned from driving for 18 months and must sit an extended test before being legally allowed back behind the wheel.