A CATHOLIC seminary is inviting local schools to get to know exotic animals.

Ushaw College, near Durham City, has trained generations of priests, but is now hoping to open its conference centre to the community.

Next month, youngsters will be able to get close to creepy crawlies including snakes, water dragons, chameleons and tarantulas.

The college is inviting schools in the area to sign up for free sessions, from Wednesday to Friday, November 4 to 6 “Experts will be talking about the animals and the children can look at, touch and hold the animals. It is educational but it is good fun as well,” said the college’s marketing manager, Stephen Phillips.

On Saturday, November 7, between 9.30am and 3.30pm, the public will be able to see the animals.

Admission costs £3.50 for under-16s and £4 for adults. Schools wanting to book a visit are asked to call 0191-373-8579.