WHEN he masters his new legs, teenager Lyndon Longhorne has a promise to keep to a group of country and western fans.

Lyndon is determined to lead the line-dancing the next time he meets up with the Darlington Big D club in the town’s Cockerton Club, who presented him with £1,500 towards his Legs4Lyndon Appeal at the weekend.

Lyndon, 13, from Crook, County Durham, visited the club with his mother, Tammy Shevels, and the appeal’s founder, the chairman of Durham County Council, Brian Myers.

Councillor Myers and his wife, Alice, had been at a fundraising line dance in the club a week earlier.

So far, they have collected about £15,000 to buy artificial legs for Lyndon, who lost his legs and an arm to meningitis as a baby.

The original appeal was so successful that it was extended to buy a bionic arm for Lyndon when he is older and wants to drive.

Event treasurer Peter Robinson said: “There is something about Lyndon that is charismatic.

“Everyone who meets him is blown away by him.

“He has promised to come back to lead the line dancing when he gets on his new feet – and we are sure he will achieve that.”