Bullying is a very serious problem both in school and outside school. Bulling is a very scary situation for a young people, it makes the people feel very scared, sick, lonely embraced and also sad. Bullies kick, punch, call names, and tease their victims in order for them to feel better about themselves.

The main reason why people bullies bully people is mostly because they are looking for attention, or they might think bulling is a way to get popular to a way to get they want. All they might just want to make them selves feel better, and this will make them feel stronger and more powerful. And it might be because they come from messed up families, the families that shout at each other all the timeThey may think that being angry, calling names, and pushing people around is a normal way to act. Some bullies are copying what they've seen someone else do. Some have been bullied themselves.

Some bullies might know that what they are doing is hurting other peoples feeling and they might not care but other bullies might not know how hurtful it is to other people.

If you think you are being bullied you need to talk to someone, or call or visit one of the help lines listed below:





Help stop bulling: 0845 22 55 787

Help stop bulling: 0208 771 3377