OH FOR someone who will bring Sir Alex Ferguson down to earth. No-one denies his supreme management skills regarding team success, man management and strategic/tactical knowhow.

His record speaks for itself.

But come on! Again we were subjected to another display of his unique brand of Fergie pique and ranting/raving against a good referee, the world and the very gods because his team were outclassed for much of the game against his pupil’s (Steve Bruce) burgeoning Sunderland.

He underestimates opposition but cannot bear to have his eye poked.

Oh for a sporting version of John Humphries (BBC R4) or a Paxman who would give back what he dishes out, without the customary fear and trembling of sports reporters who cringe, then waddle off, tail between legs like naughty boys rebuked by a headmaster.

Michael Baldasera, Darlington