A TEENAGER who left a police officer with a perforated eardrum when she tried to break up a fight outside a pub has been spared prison.

Patrick Crowther lashed out when PC Joanne Ward grabbed him after she and a colleague went to tackle the Middlesbrough disturbance.

Crowther's punch left PC Ward on the sick for a fortnight and on restrictive duties for a further 21 weeks, Teesside Crown Court was told.

Peter Makepeace, mitigating, said the 19-year-old had no idea the person who tackled him outside Baracuda on March 5 was a police officer.

Mr Makepeace said as soon as Crowther realised what he had done, he was concerned about her condition, and has since shown remorse.

Crowther, of Redland Close, Stockton, admitted a charge of common assault and was given a 12-month conditional discharge.

Recorder Keith Miller also ordered him to pay £1,000 compensation to the injured officer, and £105 towards the cost of the prosecution.

He told Crowther: "You've let your family down in addition to yourself, and I sincerely hope you are going to learn this sort of behaviour cannot go on."

The court heard that Crowther's mother leads a charity for homeless men with drink and drug problems, and his father has his own business.

Both are shocked at his involvement in the incident, said Mr Makepeace, and Crowther's father will make sure he stays out of further trouble.