A MAN who compiled thousands of indecent images of children was yesterday warned that jail was inevitable.

The comments were made by a judge at Durham Crown Court to John Kirkpatrick, 52, after he admitted 17 charges.

They relate to material downloaded onto his home computer over a nine-year period until his arrest earlier this year.

He pleaded guilty to 16 counts of making indecent images of children and one offence of possession of indecent photographs, covering a total of 21,975 indecent images and 1,648 video clips, across all levels of severity.

They include 329 images and 79 video clips in the most serious category.

Requesting an adjournment to allow preparation of Probation Service reports on Kirkpatrick, his barrister, Paul Abrahams, told the court: “Clearly, he accepts the inevitable sentence.”

Judge Guy Whitburn told Mr Abrahams it related to the most disgusting material he was aware of in his judicial experience.

He said: “Custody is inevitable, but I want him to be seen in the meantime by the sex offender team. He has been candid today and knows what is going to happen to him.

“In those circumstances, he can have bail as before.”

Addressing Kirkpatrick, Judge Whitburn said: “You have sensibly pleaded guilty to all these offences.

You could do no other given the circumstances of your arrest.

“You are a man of hitherto good character, but the nature of the images you possessed means you will face the inevitable prison sentence.

“They are really, really disgusting.”

He bailed Kirkpatrick, of Railway Cottages, Croxdale, near Durham City, to return for sentencing on Friday, November 13.