NewBlood is a fortnightly event at the Darlington Forum for 14-17 year olds. It has been around now for just over two years and still gets better. The cost of NewBlood is £3, although you can still buy refreshments and some merchandise; tee shirts, CD’s etc. There is also a possibility that some bands will be selling their merchandise. The live music this week came from Motto, My Last Youth and Suzi; Won. Alongside live music there is also a DJ section, which allows people to request any songs of their choice.

For more details go online to:

First up was the Indie/Punk band, Motto from Yarm. They have only been together for 4 months but are already recording songs in a studio in Hartlepool and planning more gigs.

The band consists of:

Jay- Singer

Henry- Guitar

Hugo- Bass

Eliot- Drums

The name “Motto” came from the boxer “Jake Lamotto”, to which the band abbreviated the name to “Motto”.

The bands influences are anything from Beatles to Joy Division to Jimmy Page, just various influences.

Whilst on stage they opened with a song and played a continuous loop of songs as the crowd cheered and danced around to songs like “What Katie did” and “Louie Louie” after closing with “When I Came Around”.

It was a special performance for the band, because not only was it their second performance, it was the first ever performance with Hugo! The band was great; especially considering it was a first audience performance as the four of them.

(Link hopefully uploaded soon).

Second to wow the crowd was My Last Youth from Richmond. The band gets described as mainly Pop/Punk with influences of Paramore, Fightstar and You Me At Six.

The members are:

Dave- Rhythm guitar/singer

Ste- Lead guitar

Mike- Bass

Ade- Drums

The band formed in May 2009 and has just finished recording their EP, so have done rather a lot in the couple of moths.

Their name came from Mike when he read a 50’s poem, coincidently called “My Last Youth” and thought it was a great name.

On stage the band preformed “Let Them Talk”, “Take The Stage” and “Aftermath” alongside covers such as “Save It For The Bedroom” by You Me At Six. In between songs the band spoke to the crowd encouraging to dance and have a good time, and it worked as the crowd was cheering and clapping.

The last time the band preformed at NewBlood it was their first ever performance as a band, so it brought back really good memories.

Coming up in the future the band are planning to sell as many EP’s as possible whilst performing gigs and even taking part in a 2010 festival.

For more information go to:

Headlining tonight was Geordie four-piece Suzi:Won.

The band was formed in 2006 by vocalist Ross, guitarist Andy, and drummer Scott, followed by synthesizer Ollie since Christmas this year.

Smoke filled the concert hall and the mask wearing Suzi:Won took the stage as if it was their own. With influences such as Pendulum and Lost Prophets Suzi:Won combine the elements of rock and dance to create something totally unique and – quite simply, awesome.

With an EP being launched on the 11th November and a mini album being released next year Suzi:Won are set to take the UK by storm with their unique style.

Though the band were very secretive, from not showing their faces – thanks to the masks and not telling us the story behind their original band name, but the mysteriousness of the members that just makes them a lot more intriguing.

They sang their own original songs such as ‘Ghosts ‘n’ Stuff’, ‘Broken Rock stars’ and ‘100 Memories’.

You can check out the band on and

By Paige Robinson and Emily O'Hara