IN this morning's paper, my usual Saturday column has migrated onto what we call the leader page. This is primarily due to my verbosity, although I think there are loads of good stories to tell about Roseberry Topping.

Last night, I was desperately searching for material for forthcoming Wednesday's column by flicking through the Darlington and Stockton Times of 1866. There, on May 26, I found this little snippet: ===================================== EXCURSION TO ROSEBERRY BY A PARTY OF REDCAR YOUTHS - A large party of young men and women had a pic-nic excursion to Roseberry Topping on Monday last, to which place they were conveyed by omnibuses and other conveyances. A very please day was spent with the exception of the party being distrubed while encamped on the hill side by a party of roughs from Middlesbrough, who unceremoniously took possession of considerable portions of their provisions. The party then proceeded to Rock Hall, near Guisborough, where a very pleasant termination of the day's outing was arrived at."