I watched BBC Question Time last night and the most significant moment came after the debate had finished.

David Dimblebly talked about next week's show, when BNP leader Nick Griffin will be on the panel.

There were the predictable boos from the audience.

But there was an even bigger boo when he mentioned the name of former Home Secretary Jacqui Smith.

Captured in that moment was the real problem at the heart of politics.

People are so disillusioned with politicians generally that it plays into the hands of the likes of the BNP.

I'm actually in the camp which favours Griffin being on the panel.

We can't have it both ways. As a society, we can't say that the BNP is able to take part in elections - and then stop them from taking part in debates.

It's a good thing to expose the BNP to the public spotlight, to demonstrate how hateful and despicable they are. Let people see their beliefs torn to shreds.

Pretending they don't exist is the worst thing we can do.