THE British National Party (BNP) will amend its constitution so its rules on membership do not discriminate on the grounds of race or religion, a Court was told yesterday.

The Equality and Human Rights Commission issued county court proceedings against the far-right party on August 24 after voicing concerns its membership criteria were restrictive to those within certain ethnic groups.

Robin Allen QC, counsel for the commission, said BNP leader Nick Griffin had agreed to present party members with a revised constitution at its general meeting next month.

He said the party had agreed not to accept new members until the new constitution was in place.

In an order issued at the Central London County Court, the BNP agreed to use “all reasonable endeavours”

to revise its constitution so it did not discriminate on what are termed “protected characteristics”

in clause four of the Equality Bill.

These include race, gender and religious belief.

John Wadham, of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, said: “We are pleased the party has conceded this case and agreed to all of the commission requirements.

“Political parties, like any other organisation, are obliged to respect the law and not discriminate against people.”

He said if the party’s membership rejected a reformed constitution, the commission would return to court.

Chris Roberts, the BNP’s eastern regional spokesman, said it was too early to say how the proposed rule change would affect its membership.

He said: “I cannot speculate as to who will join our party when our constitution changes. I just believe its another obstacle thrown into our way by the Lib-Lab-Con elite that now we are taking votes from them they are trying to put us out of business.”

The court was told that Mr Griffin would be given ten days to submit a signed undertaking confirming the proposed changes.

The case was adjourned until January 28.