AMATEUR darts players visited a North-East bookmakers to challenge a professional yesterday.

Known as the sport’s pantomime villain, Peter “One Dart” Manley was at Betfred, in Stockton, to take on the public at darts.

Those beating Mr Manley with three darts received a £1 yankee bet, while others got a 50p yankee bet for winning with six darts.

Mr Manley said: This was one of the best shops I have ever visited for Betfred.

“It was absolutely packed all day and I don’t think I’ve ever sweated so much.

“I ended up staying longer than normal because I had to work so hard and I needed to calm down afterwards.

“Lots of customers took me on at the dartboard and the standard was quite good – some good scores were thrown.

“I had to be on top form to avoid giving away too many free bets. There were some decent players in there.”