Newton Faulkner, the acoustic guitar virtuoso, is instantly at ease with his audience. He is alone in the spot light with just an acoustic guitar for company, and eases into the set with an opening salvo including breakthrough track Won’t Let Go and Badman. Newton Faulkner’s unique style, involves rhythmically tapping, finger picking and hitting the guitars body, and this alone works the audience into a frenzy. Newton’s chit chat between songs stirs amusement between the audience and they’re all in hysterics whenever he cracks a joke. His set mostly consists of his new album which was released this September. In track Let’s Get Together Newton’s beautiful voice ranges from bluesy croon to falsetto howl and it hasn’t sounded better. The new album pushes the frequencies with a multitude of instrumentation and amazing, inspiring song writing. The album title, Rebuilt By Humans, makes reference to Newton’s near career ending accident on Boxing Day last year when he slipped on ice and fractured and dislocated his right wrist and the employees at the hospital “rebuilt” him. Track of the set Dream Catch Me, is the crowds favourite; synchronized c lapping and loud sung back vocals pushes Newton ‘s confidence to the very top and he delivers his very best to the Newcastle audience. After this impressive new album and performance we hope there is a lot more to come from Newton Faulkner, all we have to do is wait,

By Sophie Stratford