It's a small world...

In 1993, when I was news editor, we covered the birth of the Guy quads, from Bowes in Teesdale.

On March 25 that year, Vivian and Alan Guy welcomed Laura, Kirsty, Rebecca and Emma into the world at South Cleveland Hospital.

Laura weighed 2lb 12oz, Kirsty 3lb 4oz, Rebecca 3lb 8oz, and Emma 2lb 7oz, and for a while they struggled to survive.

It was one of those stories which stick in the memory.

Last night, the girls were among the prize-winners I met at the leavers' awards at Staindrop School.

And what lovely, happy girls they have turned out to be.

Mum Vivian was there for the awards: "We've still got The Northern Echo pictures of them in the incubators," she smiled.

I haven't been able to find those pictures in the archives tonight but I'll post them on the blog when the librarian gets in tomorrow.

In the meantime, I wish the quads well in the future careers.