THE Sir Bobby Robson Foundation has raised more than £2m, its new patron Alan Shearer announced today.

The former England manager's family decided to carry on the good cause after his death in July, and were delighted when Shearer agreed to become the cancer-fighting charity's figurehead.

At the announcement at a Newcastle hotel, Shearer said: "He was incredibly brave to put up the fight that he did over the years.

"He had cancer five times and to keep coming back showed what courage he had.

"This was Bobby's way of putting something back into his beloved North-East, and what a fantastic success it has been.

"In no way am I trying to fill Sir Bobby's shoes, I can't, but if I can play any small part in its success, I will."

He added: "I know Bobby thought a lot of me, he told me on several occasions, and I have to say the feeling was absolutely mutual."

The new £2m total included a donation of almost £90,000 from the Football Association, which was a percentage of the gate receipts from the Community Shield match in August between Chelsea and Manchester United.

The foundation was set up to fund a research centre in Newcastle to study early detection of the disease.

Its initial target of £500,000 was reached just seven weeks after Sir Bobby launched it, and it was a proud day for him when the centre opened in February.

Sir Bobby's widow Lady Elsie and sons Paul, Andrew and Mark were there to officially welcome Shearer to the foundation.

Mark Robson said: "After dad died, we had to make a decision quite quickly about the foundation and how we were going to move things on.

"Very quickly, we needed a figurehead and a patron, and Alan Shearer's name came up straightaway.

"We all agreed he would be the ideal fit. It is fantastic he agreed to be patron."

Mr Robson said his father had great respect for Shearer when he was his Newcastle captain.

"I used to ask him when he was coaching Alan what he was like, and he used to just go "Phew".

"He wouldn't expand on it, but I could tell he had a huge admiration for him."

Mr Robson said the family were still overwhelmed by the public's response to Sir Bobby's fundraising efforts.

"I was showing my mum the foundation website and we were scrolling down the list of donors.

"The pages go on and on and mum was literally stunned into silence by the £5, £10 and £100 donations from the public.

"It was really moving to see the generosity people have shown to the foundation."