AN intruder who sneaked into a woman’s home and indecently assaulted her as she slept was jailed for two years after a judge told him: “You subjected her to a terrifying plight.”

Gary Mitchell’s victim was saved from a worse ordeal because a friend, who was staying the night, heard a commotion in the bedroom, a Court was told.

Mitchell refused to leave the house, in Darlington, despite protests from the two women and instead boasted about his sexual conquests and about being unfaithful to his girlfriend.

Martin Towers, prosecuting, told Teesside Crown Court yesterday that Mitchell also invited both women to sleep with him, and spoke to them about “a variety of indecent and sexual subjects”.

When finally forced out of the back door by the shaken householder, the 26-year-old “persisted in his sexual advances, asking her to kiss him before he left”, said Mr Towers.

Mitchell, of Lucknow Street, Darlington, admitted sexually assaulting the woman on September 13 last year. A charge of trespass with intent to commit a sexual offence was dropped.

The court heard that the victim has since suffered sleepless nights and ill-health.

She and her boyfriend have moved house to escape the memories.

The woman said she was terrified about having to give evidence and was relieved to learn Mitchell would plead guilty.

Judge Peter Bowers told Mitchell: “You were quite prepared to chance your arm with some sexual encounter.

If she had been alone in the house, it could have been worse.”

Mark Styles, mitigating, said Mitchell, described as a talented footballer, was hardworking and “not without ability”.

“He has learned an enormous lesson by his own folly and he has got to reconstruct his life in a positive way,” said Mr Styles.

“His partner stands by him.

He is considered to be a good father to her children.”

Mitchell, who was jailed in 2005 for defrauding a pensioner out of £15,000 for shoddy roofing work, was also placed on the sex offenders’ register for ten years.