TWO summers ago, me and my bike went in search of milestones along the B6282 from Middleton-in-Teesdale. We found four, which seemed quite a triumph at the time, but looking at the map seems barely any distance at all.

This road gets a mention in this morning's Memories, and is the road to The Edge.

If you've crawled onto this because you looking for U2 news, you are out of look because rather than being a guitarist, The Edge is a pub at the eastern end of Woodland. It is pretty high up with the land falling away in front of all the way to the Tees. It is also on the western edge of the Durham coalfield, and in 1792 this road was turnpiked - improved but users had to pay a toll per mile to pay for those improvements - to carry coal to Middleton, presumably for leadsmelting.

Any information on The Edge would be most welcome.

I never managed to get up the huge hill out of Egglestone so I didn't manage to record the stones across Langleydale Common - perhaps next week when I'm off, if the weather is fine - but the four stones between Egglestone and Middleton are great (if you like that kind of thing): Edge 8.5/Middleton 1: This is on the west of M-in-T, with a mason's mark on top of it. Most milestones don't deal in half miles...

Edge 7.5/Middleton 2.5: Somewhere along the way we've gained half-a-mile. And what a fine stone this is! It looks as if there should be a coat-of-arms in that black recess; Edge 6.5/Middleton 3: The half mile has disappeared, and this is the third different type of stone; Edge 5.5/Middleton 4.5: The errant half mile is back.

I still don't know where the metal milepost on M-in-T's County Bridge is pointing to.