POLICE are appealing for information about the activities of a doorstep salesman, possibly targeting elderly householders.

It follows reports of a man in his 80s being asked to pay extortionate amounts for various goods.

Durham Police believes that over the last few months the pensioner, living in the east of the county, has paid large amounts for clothing, shoes and watches, at highly inflated prices.

Detective Constable Clare Neill, of Seaham CID, said inquiries revealed the salesman first called on the victim, at his home in Murton, some time ago and, over the course of months, was asking for increasingly large amounts for items on offer.

"The caller began making greater financial demands on the victim, sometimes taking him to the Post Office to withdraw up to 250 at a time, and also asking him for a couple of blank cheques.

"This conman has been taking advantage of a vulnerable elderly person and has targeted him persistently to extort money from him for goods that were clearly not worth anything like the amount he was charging."

Det Con Neill said a South Hetton pensioner of a similar age to the Murton victim is also believed to have been targeted recently.

"We would like to hear from anyone with information about these incidents to contact us.

"It's likely that this person has also been operating elsewhere in the county, and possibly beyond that.

"I would urge anyone who thinks they have been approached by someone in similar circumstances to contact police."

They are asked to contact Seaham CID, via the Durham Police non-emergency number, 0345-60 60 365, or, anonymously, on the Crimestoppers freephone line, on (0800) 555111.

* A man in his late 40s, from the Cleveland Police area, has been arrested on suspicion of fraud and bailed, pending further inquiries.