THE original golden key used to open a North-East park 100 years ago was used yesterday to symbolically close it for 18 months of restoration work.

The £3.3m regeneration will return Barnes Park, in Sunderland, to its former glory.

The park closes on Monday, but the Coach House Cafe will remain open throughout the development and some sections, including the play areas and sensory garden, will be reopened in spring.

Councillor James Blackburn said: “Barnes Park is significant in terms of its heritage and the regeneration work will restore many of its beloved features, including the canon and bandstand.

“What’s really important for the whole of Sunderland is the accessibility that we are building in to the park.

“The specially-designed sensory garden, play areas and pathways will mean that everyone is able to enjoy the park and support is there too for carers of those with access needs.”

The project is being funded with £2.4m of Lottery cash, with the rest coming from County Durham Environment Trust, which is donating £150,000, DFES Play Pathfinder, which is giving £200,000, and £600,000 from Sunderland City Council.