CEREMONIES were held yesterday to mark the 150th anniversary of the death of one of the region’s industrial pioneers.

Wreaths were laid in memory of 19th Century railway engineer Robert Stephenson during events in Newcastle and London.

Councillor Brenda Hindmarsh, the sheriff of Newcastle, and Greg Lutton, North-East chairman of the Institution of Civil Engineers, laid a wreath at the Stephenson Monument, in Newcastle, followed by a blessing by the Very Reverend Christopher Dalliston, the Dean of St Nicholas’ Cathedral.

A similar ceremony was held in Westminster Abbey, where Stephenson is buried.

Last night, an anniversary evensong service was held in St Nicholas’ Cathedral featuring some of the hymns that were sung at his funeral.

The engineer was responsible for designing and building the world-famous Rocket engine, the High Level Bridge, in Newcastle, and the city’s Central Station.

Mr Lutton said: “This year’s celebrations of the life and work of Robert Stephenson have been a chance to reflect, not only regionally, but nationally as well, upon the legacy he has left.”

Victoria Haworth, of the Robert Stephenson Trust, said: “Celebrating his life and achievement will help inspire new generations of engineers.”