COUNCILLORS who have fought hard in the past to keep their local hospital open have voted overwhelmingly for plans which will lead to its closure.

A new ultra-modern hospital on the edge of Wynyard Business Park was granted outline planning permission by 11 votes to one by Hartlepool Borough Council's planning committee tonight.

Due to open in 2014, the £500m new hospital, supported by a network of new health centres, will replace the existing University Hospital of North Tees.

Councillors had initially opposed plans to shut down their local hospital but were won over by promises that the new hospital will probably be the most state-of-the art in the country.

Officials from the trust told councillors that the 568 bed hospital will be the first NHS hospital in England to have 100 per cent of its patients in private rooms.

It will also be the greenest NHS hospital in England, generating its own electricity which it will sell to National Grid.

Bosses from North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust are due to meet senior officials from the Department of Health in London on Friday to discuss funding.