A DRIVER was banned for three years today after leading traffic officers on a high-speed night-time pursuit.

James Spencer, 29, was spotted on the A170 towards Pickering, North Yorks, speeding in his Ford Focus on August 22.

Police attempted to catch up with his vehicle, which was clocked doing up to 130mph at various points in their Volvo S60.

As he took the A64 towards York police noted he was overtaking other vehicles and driving over solid white lines, North Yorkshire Police said.

The high-speed pursuit, which began shortly before midnight, was finally slowed down by a line of traffic outside a chip shop. It was here, on the outskirts of York, that he was finally arrested.

York Crown Court was told that speeds of 100mph were reached by the police car - with blue lights flashing.

When Spencer was stopped, officers found nine small bags of cannabis under the passenger seat.

Spencer, from Cherry Burton, near Beverley, East Yorkshire, pleaded guilty to dangerous driving and a charge of possessing a controlled drug when he appeared at York Crown Court today for sentencing.

As well as the driving ban he was also ordered to do 80 hours unpaid community work.

Speaking after the case, a spokeswoman for North Yorkshire Police said: "The recklessness shown by Spencer during the pursuit beggars belief.

"The potential risks he posed to other road users and pedestrians do not bear thinking about.

"Justice has now been served and sends a clear message that such arrogant disregard for the law, not to mention the safety of others, will not be tolerated in North Yorkshire."