Congratulations to the organisers of the St Teresa's Hospice Ball at Hardwick Hall on Saturday night.

It was, as ever, a magnificent event, with first-class food, wonderful company, and dancing to the superb Dean Solomon Band.

It was memorable for lots of reasons, not least for the fact that the aforementioned Dean Solomon had done a Tom Jones and let his jet black hair go naturally silver.

The 300-plus guests had a cracking night - but I have a serious complaint to make.

Everyone who knows me is fully aware that I am utterly hopeless at DIY.

So what did I win in the raffle? Yes, that's right, vouchers for B&Q.

It could have been a romantic night away in a posh hotel, a round of golf, or a crate of fine wine.

But, no, it had to be the B&Q vouchers.

As a result, my wife has spent the rest of the weekend planning several little jobs for me.

I haven't missed a St Teresa's Hospice Ball in the ten years I've been editor, but I'm considering a boycott next year.